Barbara Reverberi, is an experienced and passionate journalist-turned-freelancer since 2012 and is the founder of Freelance Network Italia, established in 2017.
At first it started as a Facebook group to share knowledge and combat the feeling of loneliness, and now entails so much more. From training, fundamental freelance support and resources, this passion-project of Barbara’s has grown significantly.
Freelancing can be a lonely journey and Barbara states how in Italy, back in the early start of her freelancing career, no one spoke much about being an independent professional. Barbara recalls how many questions she was asked about basic business principles as a solopreneur and from this overwhelming need for information, she wrote a book titled: Freelance digitali. Una guida pratica per diventare imprenditore di te stesso (Digital Freelancers. A practical guide to becoming an entrepreneur).
This book provides a simple guide that encompasses the complexities of the freelance ecosystem. Must-haves like an accountant to ensure your books are in order, the importance of a personal brand, the need for ongoing education, and the value of a supportive network, are some of the critical pillars to growing a successful solo business.
Barbara is especially passionate about the concept of community as a freelancer, and as part of Freelance Business Month and European Freelancers Week, is organising a Freelancer Fun Day in Milan this year.
On Tuesday 18 October at the beautiful Spazio78, from 9:30 to 20:30 for €5, freelancers, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and independent professionals are invited to this full day of fun. The aim of this in-person get together is to celebrate the remarkable industry that is freelancing, to gather to discuss common challenges and to problem-solve together.
The programme consists of a number of talks including wellbeing with an all-women group of speakers, upcoming government initiatives, insurance guidelines and workshop activities.
Included in the day is coffee, breakfast, a picnic (bring your lunch), and to close the evening a cleverly crafted ‘imposter’ cocktail (the key topic in Barbara’s talk on the day), bringing the lighter side of this challenge that almost 70% of people face according to research.
Attendees on the day are welcome to join sessions as they like, if they need to work or sit in on a meeting they can still do so… the feeling for the day is ‘come as you like and leave as you like’.
Barbara says the main take-away from the day is – know that every day is a new day, freelancers need to share and cannot walk this road alone. At this Freelance Fun Day, freelancers find support while also gaining a new network of like-minded professionals looking to find more clients, create new connections or to find comfort. “You’re not alone, we can solve this together,” she says.
Barbara’s enthusiasmfor freelancing has led to another avenue, her podcast called News per Freelance (News for Freelancers) and her advice for any freelancer, “often we feel we must go this journey alone, but this is a mistake. Make use of your community, both online (digitally) and offline (personally), and find a mentor to help increase your motivation and drive your business to success.”
Join Barbara and Freelance Network Italia at this day on 18 October and find your freelance family.