The #EFWeek
The #EFWeek Freelancers Manifesto aims to bring focus to the need for governments, businesses, and other stakeholders in the European economy to grapple actively with the changing face of work.
It is important that policy be made, contracts created, and the work be done to incorporate the innovative approaches and solutions being developed every day to the rapid changes we are facing – and much of this work is being initiated and developed by the millions of freelancers in Europe.
While Independent professionals experience a lack of benefits compared to their working counterparts, this challenge is an unprecedented opportunity to build back better, to speak with one voice about what we want to bring forward with us into the future and what we think is best left in the dust of the path.
A massive change project requires guiding principles and so we have boiled the areas of need down into the following points:
“Give us a voice”
Give us official status at all levels of government and legislation. Talk to our representative organisations and give us a seat at the table.
General Objectives
We call for an Envoy to be our interlocutor in the EU institutions and to consult our representatives before making policy that affects freelancers.
Policy Demands
Recognise the value of freelancers as economic agents in their own rights, providing an important and distinct benefit to the european economy, its member states, and their communities than do employees and entrepreneurs.
“Call us by name”
We are highly skilled self-employed workers without employees. We are fixed term contractors, we are the people innovating the models of work with new approaches.Realise that we’re not the same as small and medium size enterprises or other activity categories.
General Objectives
We call for the Review of the Small Business Act for Europe (or other suitable upcoming legislative texts) to give relevance and outline the characteristics of freelancers in accordance to our definition.
Policy Demands
Define freelancers as a specific heterogenous subset of micro enterprises for the purpose of the European SMEs definition.
“Remember us”
When you create policy about employment and industry, think about how it will specifically affect freelancers, the smallest among small businesses.
General Objectives
We call for the SME Test and Think Small First approach in impact assessments to be adapted to freelancers and to self-employment, with thresholds and exemptions as applicable.
Policy Demands
Produce “Better Regulation” and simplified policy that specifically consider the needs of freelancers.
“Give us access”
Make sure freelancers can access all government services, bid for official contracts, participate in training programs and qualify for funding. Design a welfare system more considerate to freelancers’ needs and a portable benefits system for the growing independent workforce.
General Objectives
We call for stringent implementation of Art. 49 TFEU on “the right to take up and pursue activities as self-employed”, to be regularly evaluated in the economic governance process – notably the European Semester and the Country Specific Recommendations.
Policy Demands
Produce “Better Regulation” and simplified policy that specifically consider the needs of freelancers.
“Count us”
Include freelancers in all official statistics, and better research our sector. Don’t put us together with other small business categories.
General Objectives
We call for the set up of one Experts Group (DG Grow / Eurostat) to regularly count freelancers in Europe with up-to-date categories and criteria to measure work rather than just jobs.
Policy Demands
Calculate properly freelancers in national statistics and in the Eurostat LFS as to validate the growing size of our demographic.
“Include us”
Make Europe the best place to be a business by building world-class infrastructures for freelancers, making government contracts freelancer-friendly and incentivising the use of shared work spaces.
General Objectives
We call for governments to establish relationships with coworking spaces and networks to launch and nurture programs for small business and freelancers. We call for examination and adoption of the principles of the 15 Minute City.
Policy Demands
Recognize independent coworking as the infrastructure and ecosystem of the New Economy and as such critical to solving problems such as economic downturn, and development in rural and suburban areas as well as decongesting cities and minimising the negative climate and social effects of large cities as they are now operated.