The ‘new next’ for independent professionals

Mass redundancies are expected as organisations make tough decisions toward business sustainability, resulting in an increase of self-employed professionals and a wave of start-ups. And during a crisis how you handle it makes a huge difference to you and the future of your small business. 

An article stated that you instinctively react, remain reserved or are absent in the face of a crisis. Neither of these are solutions, but rather surrounding yourself with the right people, planning, communicating openly and acting decisively is the best method to respond in challenging times.

Ed Goodman of Co-Founder of Freelance Heroes feels that the 2020 pandemic is giving freelancers, start-ups and entrepreneurs an unique opportunity to build back better. Ed is based in the UK, and is a passionate advocate for the freelance industry both in his country and abroad and thus has co-founded this platform for peer support, skill sharing and networking.

Take others under your wing

Ed is excited at the prospect that we have this group of new independent professionals that we can take along with us on this journey of new discovery post the pandemic. To be able to guide and provide support to the newly self-employed, creates a sense of community and openness that coworking stands for.

If you are able to help someone navigate their way through the storm, then you must act on that ability to show empathy towards them. Ed also stresses that the definition of success is not for others to measure – only you can measure your success.

Coworking that works for you

Whether you’re suddenly an involuntary freelancer, deciding to ditch the draining daily commute to work across town or feel you need to feed off the inspiration of others, we have a chance to face the crisis and make sustainable changes to our lives. Studies as recent as May this year have revealed that the sudden shift to remote work only negatively impacted productivity by 1%. That is pretty impressive and would see a large influx of remote workers looking for that office away from home.

People won’t be working and living like they used to, so we cannot assume that the old way of life as we knew it is going to suit the ‘new next.’ Ed noted how critical it is for coworking spaces to put the need of freelancers, start-ups, entrepreneurs and all potential members at the forefront of their service offering. 

Coworking also contributes positively to the mental health of these individuals. While freelancing and self-employment can feel like you’re on an island this is not the case. It is important for you to find your perfect coworking space and tribe – and don’t stop asking for help.

Coworking spaces offer their coworkers an ecosystem filled with inhabitants that are open to collaborating and sharing ideas. By building a 15-minute City – a working and living community, within your own neighbourhood positively impacts health and wellbeing through regular exercise, it stimulates local businesses and strengthens the power of the community.

Join the #EFWeek2020

A valuable opportunity is coming up in the form of #EFWeek 2020, taking place from October 16th to 25th, where freelancers, coworking spaces and organisations will be gathering to solve issues, share learnings and networking. Anyone can arrange an event under a united theme and branding which can be hosted digitally, reaching and uniting freelancers and communities around the world.

Find out more about joining the #EFWeek movement here.

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